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Big Moose Property Owners' Association

About us...


The mission of the Big Moose Property Owners' Association is to enhance the quality of life for all persons in the immediate vicinity of Big Moose Lake.  To do so, BMPOA develops and facilitates programs that promote informed stewardship of our environment, appreciation for and preservation of our natural and cultural legacy within the Adirondack Park, water safety for children and adults, and enjoyable social interaction among individuals, families and all members of the community-at-large.






We invite all who are interested in Big Moose Lake to become members of the BMPOA.  The membership supports the work of the Association, including operation of an outstanding summer recreation program for our children, monitoring and testing of water quality, maintenance of navigation buoys on Big Moose Lake, the Russian Lake Dock and the Property Owners' Dock, and a number of social activities throughout the summer.  In addition, the Association advocates for the interests of Big Moose residents with the Town of Webb and New York State, where appropriate.

Full members ($150/year) are those families who own real property within three miles of Big Moose Lake.  Associate Members ($75/year) are those individuals and families who, although not owners of real property near Big Moose Lake, are interested in supporting the goals of the Association and being kept informed of activities of interest to the friends of Big Moose.

If you are not a member, or are a member who has not yet paid dues for this year, please link to the Membership application form, complete it and return it as indicated on the form.  We also have a brochure which you can download and learn more about the organization (and join).  It is important that we all do our part to support the many programs of the association which preserve and enhance the quality of life around the lake and our propertly values.




The BMPOA is governed by a 12-member Board of Directors, four of whom are elected each year for three year terms.  The Board elects a President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer annually.  Officers may be, but are not required to be, directors.  A committee composed of sitting board members and other Association members nominates Full Members for seats on the Board.  Nominations are also solicited from the floor at the Annual Meeting of the Association.  A complete copy of the By-laws is available here.

Members are welcome to attend any Board Meetings, and minutes of all meetings are posted for viewing by the membership.  The business of the association is run through a set of Standing Committees.

Current members of the Board and chairs of the Standing committees may be found here.






The Association owns and maintains property and facilities for the benefit of Members and the greater Big Moose Community as follows:



  • The Association Center, where Annual Meetings are held, and many Recreation Program and Social and Educational events are held.  The Center sits next adjacent to a multipurpose field, used for softball games, Recreation Program activites, and outdoor community events.
  • The Strack House, the home of the Recreation Director and his/her family during the Recreation Program, sits adjacent to the Association Center.
  • The Big Moose Property Owners' Association Dock, used by residents of the North Shore of Big Moose for camp access, and by others as a launch and termination point for recreation on Big Moose and surrouding environs.
  • Billy's Bald Spot Lean-to, atop the historic Billy's Bald Spot.  Although the trail to Billy's is on private property, the lean-to and a very small amount of land surrounding the lean-to is owned and maintaned by the BMPOA, for the benefit of all area hikers.
Big Moose Ambulance Donates Funds to Area Fire and Ambulance Companies
01/06/2023 5:43pm

Big Moose, NY (December 13, 2022)

Big Moose Ambulance Company (BMAC) made its last Emergency Medical Service (EMS) call in December 2021. Due to ever challenging volunteer issues and after over 50 years of Community EMS and Rescue Service to the community BMAC was forced to terminate operations and dissolve the corporation.

As part of its evaluation BMAC invested over $20,000 to contract with a well-recognized Emergency Medical Services Consultant to explore the EMS needs of the Central Adirondack area. Their report made various recommendations for management of EMS in the area that could be useful in the future.

Over the years The Big Moose Community has been extremely generous with donations and support of BMAC. After selling its ambulance to Blue Mountain Lake Fire Company and receiving final insurance recovery funds BMAC was left with over $270,000. BMAC is a 501 (c) (3) Not for Profit Corporation and as required by IRS Regulations that remaining funds may only be conveyed to other 501 (c) (3) Corporations.

Following long and thoughtful consideration BMAC the corporation will dissolve and has determined that funds should be distributed to several local Fire and EMS Organizations.

In a presentation made December 10 at the Eagle Bay Fire Department, Big Moose Ambulance presented Big Moose Fire Company (BMFC) with $145,000 that will be used to design and purchase a new Rescue/Fire Boat replacing a Fire Boat that has been in operation for over 60 years. BMFC provides fire suppression and rescue services to northern most Herkimer County including Big Moose Lake, Big Moose Station, Twitchell Lake and Stillwater Lake areas. All the lakes have many camps that are boat access only, requiring the need to evacuate ill or injured citizens and transport fire and EMS Personnel as well as equipment to the scene by boat. The new Rescue/Fire Boat will be 24 ft long and 8.5 ft. wide with 36” dual pontoons. It will be Powered by a 200 HP Yamaha Motor, two 64 HP, 750 GPM Darley water pumps for fire suppression, gurney holder and suitable hose and tools for fire suppression, a Tommy Lift on front to lift patients or other items out of the water and GPS side scan sonar. In addition, it will have an aluminum canopy with clear side curtains, and a fully galvanized trailer so it can be hauled to other lakes. BMFD will support any EMS Operations in its Service Area.

Old Forge Volunteer Ambulance Corps (OFVAC) who provides primary EMS/Ambulance service to the Big Moose area is backed up by Inlet Volunteer Emergency Services (IVES), each received $48,000. Raquette Lake Volunteer Ambulance Squad (RLVAS), a secondary backup, received $19,000 and Eagle Bay Fire Department (EBFD) which is primary backup for BMFD received $10,000.

Sarah Dew BMAC President stated “BMAC is very thankful to the Big Moose Community for its support over the years and looks forward to the other EMS and Fire Agencies providing professional EMS Services to Big Moose in the future.”

Left to Right: Mark Bird - RLFD; George Peterson, Jr.- Inlet Ambulance; Paul A. Scheidelman - Inlet Ambulance; Roger Pratt -Big Moose Ambulance; Sarah Dew - Big Moose Ambulance; Steve Baker - Big Moose Ambulance; Jason Pratt Big- Moose Fire Department; Gary Staab - Old Forge Ambulance; Dan Rivet - Old Forge Ambulance and Shane Beech - Eagle Bay Fire Department.

Recreation Program
04/10/2022 3:40pm


The BMPOA Recreation Program is open to all members and their guests.   We welcome children to participate for one week of the program or for all 6 weeks!   The program is geared for children ages 3 and up.   Children 8 and under must be accompanied by an adult.   The summer schedule is sent to members in the late Spring.  It is also posted at the Association Center during the summer months.  We have daily swim lessons and an afternoon activity. Please check the schedule to see if the activity for the day is appropriate for your child.  While all children are welcome, some activities do lend themselves better to certain ages.  Kurt Purdue, our recreation director,  tries to provide activities for all ages so please reach out to him during the program if you wonder about the accessibility of a certain activity for your child.  The donation amounts are listed in the annual letter and can be paid ahead of time or if you join later in the summer, they can be paid then.   Please reach out to the parent chair for more information on current donation amounts or if you have other questions.   A release form must also be signed before a child can participate in the program.  


Current Parent Chair:  Anne Dew ( or 303-520-8479)

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