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Big Moose Property Owners' Association


Fall 2023 President's Letter
BMPOA Members:
Following a spectacular foliage season, the first flakes are beginning to fly. I wanted to take a moment to share an update and some announcements to close out the 2023 season.
Water Quality, Invasives and Loons:
Water Quality:
We completed our twice per summer water testing for E. Coli, conducted in July and September and we continue to have outstanding results. Approximately 20 sites are sampled around the lake and all are well below recreational thresholds. Thanks to Paul Powers, Patrick Duffy and Ed Chase for spearheading this effort. 
Results from the Adirondack Lake Assessment Program (ALAP), which looks at 10 various water quality measures including alkalinity and transparency, will post its results in the winter and will be shared when available.
Big Moose Lake continues to be free from invasive aquatic invasive species. We are so fortunate. Prevention remains the #1 priority. As such, Dunn’s Marina instituted, with the support of the BMPOA, a zero tolerance boat washing policy for guests launching boats in the lake. All boats will be washed, even if they have been tagged at a wash station elsewhere.
After Prevention, Early Detection is the most Critical Goal. Kurt Pardue conducted his annual invasives survey of the lake (thanks, Kurt!) and found no aquatic invasives present.
This year we introduced the Lake Protectors program. We’ve had 4 people sign up as Lake Protectors. This role adopts and monitors an area of the lake for invasive species. Protectors receive training on how to identify and report aquatic invasive species (online for convenience). Protectors then monitor the lake at least once between July and September. Most volunteers spend 1-2 hours to monitor. Please consider volunteering for this important program! Contact Paul Powers at 
Loon Friendly Lake Certification:
We again have been formally recognized by the Adirondack Center for Loon Conservation for our efforts to support our loons, including managing fishing line recycling collection tubes, lake cleanup efforts and educational efforts including signage and pamphlets available for residents and renters. Thanks to Barry Levin for coordinating this certification! More information can be found at:
Capital Campaign for Improvements to the BMPOA Recreation Center and Property
We mentioned in the annual meeting that the BMPOA was the recipient of a generous donation to be used by the Board at its own discretion for improving the BMPOA facilities. After discussing various alternatives and where our facilities needed repair and / or improvements, we realized that there was a long and growing list of potential projects we could tackle. With over ten years since the BMPOA's last capital campaign, the Board felt that we should use this recent donation as a kickstart for a new capital campaign that would be focused both on maintenance items that have needed attention for a number of years combined with functional enhancements to our facilities that could help to foster and promote more community for our association. We are reviewing designs and costs, but out initial proposal for use of proceeds includes:
  • Roof replacement for the Strack House: New standing seam metal roof as current roof is completely rusted
  • New facia board to replace the decaying chip board on the Recreation Center
  • Replacing the weathered and peeling BMPOA sign on the Recreation Center
  • Replacing the aged picnic tables
  • New grilling equipment
Functional Enhancements:
  • New front entry portico: To provide a transition into the building in inclement weather
  • Covered pavilion in the rear of the building for protection from sun/rain when grilling, eating, and during recreation program events
  • Epoxy finishing the floor of the Recreation Center to improve the interior and ease clean up 
  • Modest kitchen improvements including counter with sink for ease of clean-up. This does not include any stove/oven set up as that requires board of health involvement. 
We are excited about moving forward with these improvements. As the designs are finalized, we will share more of them with you. We expect to kickoff fundraising for the campaign in the new year. Any feedback or suggestions you have is welcome.
Recreation program dues
We are in the 54th year of our recreation program! This fabulous program is supported through participation fees and fundraising efforts, and the goal is to be effectively self-funding. As our expenses continue to rise, we find we need to increase our rates to accomplish this. The new rates are as follows: $100 per child/week, $300 per child/summer and $600 maximum per family/summer. Should this create a financial hardship for any family, please reach out to me, confidentially.
Winter Reminder – Boat House Bubblers
Although there is no ice yet, please prepare to make others aware of boathouse bubblers by using a light, strobe or thin ice sign. These markers will help alert lake users of dangerous open water or thin ice.
Wishing you a wonderful Holiday Season,
Marge Correll
President, BMPOA



Big Moose Ambulance Donates Funds to Area Fire and Ambulance Companies
01/06/2023 5:43pm

Big Moose, NY (December 13, 2022)

Big Moose Ambulance Company (BMAC) made its last Emergency Medical Service (EMS) call in December 2021. Due to ever challenging volunteer issues and after over 50 years of Community EMS and Rescue Service to the community BMAC was forced to terminate operations and dissolve the corporation.

As part of its evaluation BMAC invested over $20,000 to contract with a well-recognized Emergency Medical Services Consultant to explore the EMS needs of the Central Adirondack area. Their report made various recommendations for management of EMS in the area that could be useful in the future.

Over the years The Big Moose Community has been extremely generous with donations and support of BMAC. After selling its ambulance to Blue Mountain Lake Fire Company and receiving final insurance recovery funds BMAC was left with over $270,000. BMAC is a 501 (c) (3) Not for Profit Corporation and as required by IRS Regulations that remaining funds may only be conveyed to other 501 (c) (3) Corporations.

Following long and thoughtful consideration BMAC the corporation will dissolve and has determined that funds should be distributed to several local Fire and EMS Organizations.

In a presentation made December 10 at the Eagle Bay Fire Department, Big Moose Ambulance presented Big Moose Fire Company (BMFC) with $145,000 that will be used to design and purchase a new Rescue/Fire Boat replacing a Fire Boat that has been in operation for over 60 years. BMFC provides fire suppression and rescue services to northern most Herkimer County including Big Moose Lake, Big Moose Station, Twitchell Lake and Stillwater Lake areas. All the lakes have many camps that are boat access only, requiring the need to evacuate ill or injured citizens and transport fire and EMS Personnel as well as equipment to the scene by boat. The new Rescue/Fire Boat will be 24 ft long and 8.5 ft. wide with 36” dual pontoons. It will be Powered by a 200 HP Yamaha Motor, two 64 HP, 750 GPM Darley water pumps for fire suppression, gurney holder and suitable hose and tools for fire suppression, a Tommy Lift on front to lift patients or other items out of the water and GPS side scan sonar. In addition, it will have an aluminum canopy with clear side curtains, and a fully galvanized trailer so it can be hauled to other lakes. BMFD will support any EMS Operations in its Service Area.

Old Forge Volunteer Ambulance Corps (OFVAC) who provides primary EMS/Ambulance service to the Big Moose area is backed up by Inlet Volunteer Emergency Services (IVES), each received $48,000. Raquette Lake Volunteer Ambulance Squad (RLVAS), a secondary backup, received $19,000 and Eagle Bay Fire Department (EBFD) which is primary backup for BMFD received $10,000.

Sarah Dew BMAC President stated “BMAC is very thankful to the Big Moose Community for its support over the years and looks forward to the other EMS and Fire Agencies providing professional EMS Services to Big Moose in the future.”

Left to Right: Mark Bird - RLFD; George Peterson, Jr.- Inlet Ambulance; Paul A. Scheidelman - Inlet Ambulance; Roger Pratt -Big Moose Ambulance; Sarah Dew - Big Moose Ambulance; Steve Baker - Big Moose Ambulance; Jason Pratt Big- Moose Fire Department; Gary Staab - Old Forge Ambulance; Dan Rivet - Old Forge Ambulance and Shane Beech - Eagle Bay Fire Department.

BMPOA Annual Meeting minutes now available
08/31/2022 5:46pm

The BMPOA 2022 Annual Meeting held July 23, 2022, are now available in our Documents section, or by clicking --> Here.

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Loyal to the Lake
05/31/2015 5:00pm

The love of a lake is a curious thing.  It never alters.  The lake may be a very small one, with broad shallows and little depth, but it is his lake, to which all other lakes, great and small, are compared--and always unfavorably...For years the man who loves a lake has watched it lying quiet as gold leaf under a July moon, has seen it toss in an August wind like a child in a tantrum, has seen it catch the blue of the September sky and deepen it.  Everything about the lake may be familiar, yet he knows that whenever he takes his boat out, to go round and round once more, he will note something unnoticed before...No wonder that when a man loves one lake, his lake is always alive.


--William Chapman White
Just About Everything in the Adirondacks, 1960

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